Life. Struggles. Turmoils. Growth. Wisdom. Family. Children. Yesterday, today, future days and pending death.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Holiday Spirit Returns
To add the the festivity, it happened to be snowing heavy here in upstate NY. So everything was covered with the white stuff. It transforms a landscape into a wonderland. The first month of snow everyone loves it, the second month we tolerate, by the third month people start getting testy and if it snows beyond that....LOOK OUT!
It was my daughter's birthday. I called her to say Happy Birthday!! She told me that is was a miserable day outside. I could not believe my ears, "How can you say that?" I asked. "Why it is a beautiful winter day! Just like when you were born. I know because I was there."
She did not appreciate my sense of humor. I wish she was two or three years old again, she believed everything I said back then.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Upside down world
I am following Dan Duggan's blog and wish everyone would. I have gone to see him play a few times and he is great. It is a shame that good people suffer so much. I wish him well. The world needs more people like him.
I will write more soon......I hope.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
by Connie Scruton
July 7, 2009
A dark Evil descends slithering from beneath the hallowed grounds, surfaced as a snake with forked tongue.
The insular pinhead, devoid of soul, drips its delusive secretion upon the like-minded weakness of other‘s who will crawl upon their belly for a crumb that may be tossed in exchange for their allegiance.
The iniquitousness of a birdbrain will tear down all that was good and sainted, deeming the creators as worthless; a glorified hell is crafted to destroy any goodness that might have remained intact.
Snatch and grasp by seizing what is not of one’s own. Barricading self within a locked enclosure of chain, as a pool of blood sucked from death is viewed as a triumph. This Evil remains in a state of insatiability odium.
Us from the light are sheltered from the deleterious Evil emits. We know it to be forged control that will not prevail.
True power is in knowledge and knowing, in truth and in honor, giving and sharing, and in loving. This is everlasting as the perpetual light we come from.
In time, us of the light will observe the return of humanity after the black cloaks with wide-brim hat shadows eradicate evil from its perch.

I just returned from Aruba. I am in love with that place!! I went just in time too because my passport was getting ready to expire. This was the first stamp in that passport so I was pretty excited!!!
It was hot that was for sure. However, if you stay in the shade under a hut on the beach and with the breeze you will be comfy enough until you go into to swim, which will cool you down further. The water is shallow for a long ways out, and warm, you won't want to get out. The color is greenish mixed with the blue water. It is amazing!
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Subject of Life
But I honestly thought that….in time, it would become easier. Better. More.
That was my first memory I had on the subject, before I even understood what a subject was. I was so young, too young to be thinking of such things. Yet, there I was. Then at age ten, I grew excited because as I looked around at people I just felt if I had to struggle, at least by the age of 50, or there about, that was when the better life would start to come together. It began as a thought and turned into a goal. All I had to do as the days passed so harshly was to keep right on working for it would lead me toward that better life with each passing year.
I don’t know why I had came to that conclusion at such a young age but it kept a goal alive for me to strive for. I never lost sight of that. It kept me going during the worst of times. I just knew…my day would come.
50 came and went. I told myself, there is no time schedule, per see. Then, 51, 52, 53…………..
…………I guess I am a dreamer.
I suppose….in a small way….it came true. One of the happiest years of my life was when I turned 50. I had hit the prime of my life. I was younger than I ever had been before. I was soaring in euphoria of my own making.
And, as each year passed after that with both up’s and down’s…….I came down out of the clouds for the most part. Well, maybe one foot pointed toward the ground these days.
Even a Dreamer needs to find a base to build from.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Day is Dawning
The night is welcoming with its peace and silence. It is the best part of a day. There are no outside sources demanding my attention. My mind is clear and free to wander from this moment to the next or slip into a memory.
Memories can be difficult. They can bring a tear for yearning what was or a tear for what you wish you could forget.
Mostly the night’s darkness gives way to light your future. This is where my thoughts usually lay. Wondering how to get from here….to there.
Can I change my course? Does destiny wait for me to find my path? There are so many paths, why am I unsure which is the right path for me? If I make a mistake, if I choose wrong, can I turn around and backtrack? Why isn’t the way lit so I would know for sure? Why is there so much uncertainty in life?
I swore as a child that I would never again ask ‘why’. It is fruitless to ask. There are no answers to be heard. The only answer is within you, how you come to terms with whatever the situation is. It is what it is.
So as the night moments begin to disappear and the light of day just begin to filter in I know that the sounds of life will soon be heard. The silence will be broken as the birds chirp, softly in the distance at first, until others wake and join the chatter. Car engines will roar or a dog will bark, and the sound of a school bus making its stops all will assure me that another day is upon us.
I have survived another night and have been granted a new day. A new day with a clean slate. Mine to fill.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Made In America!
I was very happy to see this recent article and slide show about companies that still produce in the United States, including Harley-Davidson, GE, Caterpillar, and Brunswick produces sleek pleasure crafts. I cannot leave out the Hershey Company, with my favorite Hershey Kisses! (Don't tell my Dad I said that, he worked for 42 years at Nestle, a faithful employee who would never dream of buying anything except Nestle! Sorry Dad.)
Although some of these companies do also produce in other countries, they did not close production here, instead they expanded to other countries. That is what I like to hear.
Click on the Title above to view the article. Also, here are two more links of interest, "You can still buy American" and "How to buy American".
Monday, May 18, 2009
Happiness is...
When my sister, Joyce, died unexpectedly while pregnant I thought the world had stopped. I wanted the world to stop! Yet, when her husband said he picked out a pair of jeans for her to be buried in, my sister, Betty-Jo made the comment, "Oh good, she was dying to get into her jeans!" We all gasped and our eyes bugged out of our heads for about ten seconds; and then, we laughed and laughed. Tears streamed down our faces but we were laughing. Joyce would have thought that was funny, too...if she was beside us. She might have been the one who made the comment herself.
So, there is laughter even in death, its hides mostly, but it will resurface at odd times. Then one day, you will laugh again and not feel gulity to be happy.
I loved Joyce, she was my big sister and to me, she was perfect. She was sweet, kind and lovable. Its been twenty years but the tears flow at the thought of her. Strange isn't it? But that is how it goes.
Joyce brought me happiness and for that I am forever grateful and I smile.
Check out this video clip about a research group of young men who agreed to be part of a study for the rest of their lives. These men are now in their 80's and what the study discovered about Happiness. What do you think?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates
This evening I watched 60 Minutes. Katie Couric of CBS, interviewed Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense for the U.S.A. It was an eye opener into a man who stated honestly that he does not love his job but he feels he can make a difference at the same time. He is one of a few dedicated individuals in government looking out for our men and women in the military. He feels the pain of war.
War is a fact of life, I am ashamed to say. It is not as simple as it sounds to just withdraw our troops. Mr. Gates understands this.
As for myself, I feel that our young men and women should not be on foreign soil dying. The War against terrorist cannot be fought on any land, not with guns or bombs. Terrorism is a condition of the mind.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Vintage Stuffed Animal – Fleagle Beagle
Fleagle Beagle...where are you!
Our house is empty without her. Help me locate a Fleagle Beagle.
Our Fleagle Beagle has been MIA for a long time now. There were many colors of Fleagles sold in JC Penney stores in 1984. Here is a picture of a brown Fleagle Beagle just so you know what one looked like, but ours was a baby pink color and it was loved beyond words.
Contact me if you know where a Fleagle is, especially a pink one!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Made in the U.S.A. continues
Made in the U.S.A. products are hard to find locally. This photo shows Sky-Rail Storage Dynamics containers made in Michigan. Click here for an article recently posted on the web "Made In America" or click here to Factory Tours USA, it is very interesting.
I have had many people ask about a website specifically listing products made in America. So....Here is a partial list of websites. My advise would be to look for an American made products first before purchasing elsewhere.
I am not advocating boycotting products not made in America, many are well constructed and useful for your needs. Just check for made in U.S.A. products first and see what is out there. Compare shop and if possible, buy American.
I am proud of America and history proves how much we have overcame to earn the title of "Land of Opportunity." That is why people from other countries swarm here to live, so obviously they think America is the best place to live too. I personally want to see America moving forward. Lets try to build our own country back to what it was, even better!
I did a Google search for "Made in U.S.A." and found these websites listed below. I have not had much time to research them myself but you go ahead, check them out, and let me know what your opinion is. I will check into them soon and get back to you which ones I prefer. Thanks for your help.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Sadness in Success
Using about three-dozen plastic eggs a clue would be tucked inside each one leading each child down their personal path to their hidden treasure. The first clues were handed to them and each read differently. Words were geared for their age. They might have read something like this “It’s really not hard to find the number two clue; just go to a cold spot for an egg of blue” (which meant the freezer), or “A hidden pink egg holds clue number three, near an exit it’ll be, yet difficult to see,” A poet I am not.
By the afternoon we had invaded Grandma’s house. Every grandchild would be transformed as the boys had their hair combed and wore neat outfits; the girls in their frilly dresses, matching bonnets and lacy white socks inside a pair of patent leather shoes. They were picture perfect children! My sisters and I would quickly group the kids together to snap pictures as they anxiously waited to run outside to find the Easter eggs that our mom had hidden.
If we were lucky enough to grab the kids before they had a chance to run out of the house in search of those eggs, off came those adorable little outfits, replaced with old play clothes; and if the ground was still soaked from the melting snow, the shiny patent leather shoes were discarded for more practical wear like mud boots.
They went from looking like a prince and princess, to country bumpkin with mud on their knees within a matter of minutes. But, their sweet little faces glowed with excitement as they turned to show us the colored egg they found nestled at the base of the tree. Our precious angel coated in mud went to hunt down another egg for the basket.
I relished those were crazy days. Knowing full well that change would set in. Because as much as a parent enjoys the stage their child is in, we are always looking forward to the next step.
I cannot tell you what day it happened. It isn’t clear to any of us. Yet at some point I had passed on the responsibility of their life to them, ending their childhood, the final stage.
It is funny because this is what I had worked so hard to achieve, to have my kids independent and happy. I accomplished what I set out to do. I always thought I would be celebrating and danced up a storm.
It makes me laugh, because it makes me cry. Now I wonder if I did such a wonderful thing after all. As they formed their lives, I became an outsider looking in. I am a part of it, yet I am not.
Who would ever guessed that in sweet success there is a spot of sadness.
Although I have no regrets, the reality is; the happiest moments of my life are remembered with a tear-streaked face.
Susan Boyle's Chance
If you have not had a chance to see or hear Susan Boyle sing, you must log into YouTube for the shock of your life. I believe this is a prime example of how you should not treat people that appear different than yourself for you never know what treasures are concealed inside of them. If given a chance, they will bloom.
Susan was a contestant that was met with ridicule and sneers when she walked onto the stage of Britain’s Got Talent. It was obvious she was being judged on her appearance, even though she was neat and clean with matching heels and a pretty satin sash around her waist. I am rather sure she most likely picked it out and felt pretty while wearing it and yet it did not measure up with the audience’s opinion of fashion. They laughed at her.
Then when she spoke, they looked down upon her as if she were a dimwit, thinking she could never ever come close to equaling the great singer like Elaine Page, who was Susan’s idol.
What a pity it was to witness the treatment she was receiving when all she wanted was to fulfill a dream in honor of her mother.
Simon Cowls questioned Susan as to why she had not sang before this (other than at churches and school), her replay was, “I was never given a chance before now.” I thought it is no wonder she never had a chance if that is how she had been treated for the past 47 years.
Then, Susan began to sing. Eyebrows went up. Jaws dropped. Eyes popped open. The audience stood and cheered. They were in awe.
Susan ended up being the gallant one leaving the audience and the judges to eat dirt. She humbled all that watched her that day.
Go online and watch the seven-minute clip from her tryout on the show, where Simon nearly melted with appreciation. He looked like a teenager in love.
Susan might be ordinary; she’s also extraordinary. Given that one chance and she bloomed.
Next time I hope you remember Susan when you go to judge someone. Give him or her a chance to release the treasures they hold inside. You might be surprised.
Originally published in the Palladium Times.