Monday, May 18, 2009

Happiness is...

Are you happy? Could you be happier? Is happiness with you everyday or does it slip in and out of your life? Can anyone be happy everyday or are they refusing to see reality and living in a fantasy world 24/7?

What about the tough times? A death of a loved one or the loss of career both can be devastating but were you able to see the rainbow through your tears?

When my sister, Joyce, died unexpectedly while pregnant I thought the world had stopped. I wanted the world to stop! Yet, when her husband said he picked out a pair of jeans for her to be buried in, my sister, Betty-Jo made the comment, "Oh good, she was dying to get into her jeans!" We all gasped and our eyes bugged out of our heads for about ten seconds; and then, we laughed and laughed. Tears streamed down our faces but we were laughing. Joyce would have thought that was funny, too...if she was beside us. She might have been the one who made the comment herself.

So, there is laughter even in death, its hides mostly, but it will resurface at odd times. Then one day, you will laugh again and not feel gulity to be happy.

I loved Joyce, she was my big sister and to me, she was perfect. She was sweet, kind and lovable. Its been twenty years but the tears flow at the thought of her. Strange isn't it? But that is how it goes.

Joyce brought me happiness and for that I am forever grateful and I smile.
I learned something from her death, I learned that I have to live and enjoy whatever I can before death knocks at my door. And, it will.

Happiness is.......more than a single aspect of life. It you perceive your world and how you pull yourself back together after life kicked you in the teeth.

Happiness is...laughter. It is fun. It is loving and joing others. It is...having a connection with those you love and knowing they are there for you during the worst of times. Happiness is sharing 'this' moment.

Check out this video clip about a research group of young men who agreed to be part of a study for the rest of their lives. These men are now in their 80's and what the study discovered about Happiness. What do you think?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates

This evening I watched 60 Minutes. Katie Couric of CBS, interviewed Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense for the U.S.A. It was an eye opener into a man who stated honestly that he does not love his job but he feels he can make a difference at the same time. He is one of a few dedicated individuals in government looking out for our men and women in the military. He feels the pain of war.

War is a fact of life, I am ashamed to say. It is not as simple as it sounds to just withdraw our troops. Mr. Gates understands this.

As for myself, I feel that our young men and women should not be on foreign soil dying. The War against terrorist cannot be fought on any land, not with guns or bombs. Terrorism is a condition of the mind.